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Cartoon Contest Winners

Did you draw a cartoon designed to answer a foolish question? You might be a winner!

CA- Junha H. 'How to Automatically Water Plants on a Hot, Dry Day'

CA- Yunjiao X. 'The Best Window Opener'

CO- Randy M. 'A Simple Way to Give Your Dog a Biscuit'

MA- Declan K. 'How to Pour a Glass of Water'

MN- Robin S. 'Machine for Watering a Plant While You are Out'

NY- Stephanie C. 'How to Make Your Human do a Trick'

PA- Brian W. 'An Easy Solution For Biting Your Nails'

TX- Anika S. 'Criminal Capturer 2000'

TX- Braeleen E. 'How to Give Someone a Tissue'

TX- Dhaatreyi P. 'How to Put on a Hat'

TX- Emma T. 'How to Feed Your Dog Simply'

TX- Navya S. 'The Way to Feed a Dog'

TX- Yefei M. 'How to Prepare an Egg'

WI- Harmony H. 'Very Accurate Cat Food Dispenser'