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The Rube Goldberg Miracle Machines Playground Contest

About the Contest

In collaboration with Miracle Recreation, students and designers can submit their detailed design pitch decks in the hopes the playground equipment of your dreams will actually be built! This contest serves as the first of a three-phase implementation plan, whereby the winning designs will move to the next phase for community approval and eventual construction. To create the perfect playground, a designer must balance creativity, inclusivity, and functionality all in an open outdoor public space. Not to mention, your playground should of course be Rube Goldberg-themed to inspire children to explore the world of STEM learning!

Phase 1 of the competition is now closed. Stay tuned for the contest winners and for info about Phase 2.


Three winning teams will be selected from all divisions. All winners will be notified via email. The prizes are as follows:

First Place:

  • $500 (USD) Cash Prize and Trophy
  • Social Media Coverage on RGI and Miracle Sites
  • In-Person Design Charrette at the Miracle Design Studio
  • Permanent acknowledgement of your team on the physical structure once complete
  • Published story and/or featured ad in a trade publication
  • Potential opportunities to be involved in the next build phases

Second Place:

  • $250 (USD) Cash Prize
  • Social Media Coverage on RGI & Miracle Sites

Third Place:

  • $100 (USD) Cash Prize
  • Social Media Coverage on RGI & Miracle Sites

Rube Goldberg Miracle Recreation Play Panels