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New York Times Article "Rube Goldberg’s Greatest Machine Is His Legacy"

"Decades after Mr. Goldberg, a cartoonist, died, artists and engineers have found creative inspiration in his outlandish inventions.

"By Sam Corbin

"What’s the simplest way to open a can? Faced with this question, most would suggest a can opener. The artist Rube Goldberg, however, believed the task could be better accomplished using a golf club, waltzing mice and a disgruntled pet dragon whose fire-breathing would light a welding torch positioned in front of the closed can. Simple.

"This approach to everyday tasks was summarized in the introduction to 'The Art of Rube Goldberg,' a collection of Mr. Goldberg’s work that was published in 2013. 'These are things that need doing,' the introduction, written by Adam Gopnik, reads, 'but they don’t need this much doing.'"

Read the rest of the article here.